Friday, March 11, 2011

The Power of Flower Essences

Snapdragons from last year's garden.
Flower Essences are highly medicinal and all too often over-looked. There is so much life in a plant that they are dying to share with us all, waiting for us to return to our natural roots of medicine and rekindle that loving relationship between (wo)man and plant. A Flower Essence is quite special and so very very simple. The flower is by far the most expressive part of a plant. It says: "Look at me! I'm here!" or it might say "Go away!" or "Please, be gentle." When we take the bud and leaves of a plant and place them in pure, clean water a transference begins to happen. By placing that glass bowl of water and buds into the sunlight the sun helps to magnify that transfer by warming the petals and pushing that flower/plant's energy into the water. In short, we are collecting the energy of the plant in the water. This energy and (natural) chemicals are what make the water capable of healing. Need proof that there is a some form of transferring happening? Take a sip of the water- can you taste the flavor? Rose Water is often made this way- very refreshing, yummy, and medicinal. It is quite similar to making sun tea with dried herbs.

Perhaps the best way to explain what they are is to explain how to make one yourself. (It is SO easy and such a wonderful experience.)

There are many schools of thought on how to make a flower essence. Some practice strict guidelines while others are more willie-nillie about it. My advice: do what feels right to you. That is one of the most amazing parts of creating and using Flower Essences. They are created by you, with your intentions, with your heart, and with your needs in mind. For the tutorial below I will focus on the more relaxed version as this is how I intend to gather my own essences. You can choose the plants in your back yard, at the park, or out in the "wild." Wild flowers and plants are likely to give you cleaner energy as they are further away from most pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides, and carbon monoxide. 

  • 4-16 oz. Mason Jar with lid and ring (Makes for a great travel container)
  • Clean water - fill jar with water ahead of time.
  • Notepad and pen/pencil
  • Extras- always, ALWAYS use precautions when out in the sun- bring lots of water, a snack, a hat, and guard yourself from over exposure to the sun. Vitamin D is wonderful for you, but too much can make you sick. 
  • 80-100 proof Vodka (can remain at home for the second part of essence collecting)
  • 8-32 oz. glass jar (You will need it to be double the size of your water jar)
  • Glass dropper
  • Amber bottles to put your essence into
Some supplies. Don't forget the big hat!
The Process:

When you arrive at the location in which you will be searching for your plant of interest take a moment to pause and clear your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Listen to what is going on around you; the birds, crickets, flies, water, and wind. What do you smell? Breathe in deep and concentrate. What do you want to find today? What are you looking for? Set your intention for the day.

Our intentions can range from the specific to the all encompassing. Connect with your inner self and begin your conversation: "Today, world, I need to heal my heart." or "Show me what I need most." It can truly be anything. There is no wrong way to do this. All that is asked is that you allow yourself to be in this moment. Own the journey you are about to embark on. Take your time and embrace your environment. 

Begin walking. Keep your eyes sharp, but also pay attention to your inner-energy. Are you being pulled in one way or another? Is something encouraging you to take the left fork instead of the right? Where are the animals leading you? It is known that, visually, we will be most attracted to the flowers we need. Once you have found that plant or flower that has caught your attention, go to it. Explore it for a moment and take a few more deep breaths. Try to align yourself with the plant and begin your conversation with it. Ask it "What would you like to share with me today?" Now, like most, you likely won't get a clear "Hello there, I am made for curing the whooping cough and other ancient illnesses." BUT if you sit near the plant and start to explore yourself, the answer to your question will come to you. So take a seat and enjoy being in the presence of your plant.

Once you feel you have connected with your plant friend (this can be however long it takes, 2 minutes... 20 minutes? Only you know when you are ready.) Open your jar and place it at the base of the plant or nearby, so long as it is in full sun. Ask the plant if you can take some of it's flower buds or leaves. (Very rarely will you get a "No.") Remove only as much as you feel you will need. Some use only a few buds, others will fill the surface of the water. Again, it is up to you. Place the buds in the water and let the water charge in the sunlight for however long you feel is necessary. (45 minutes is usually a good minimum). 

While letting your water charge, meditate with the plant you are using for a while. What words would you use to describe this plant/flower? Friendly, protective, stubborn, playful, whimsical, dominant, shy.... the list goes on forever. Write these words down. Be sure to record how you are feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically while working with the plant/flower. Take note of how the plant interacts with its neighbors. Who are its neighbors? What animals or insects are mingling with the plant/flower? 

Your descriptions are a crucial part to this process because they will ultimately tell you what this plant is for. When you feel it is complete and you are ready to go, be sure to thank the plant/flower for sharing with you and offer it some water (other than from the essence) as a sign of gratitude. Take the plant parts out of your essence jar and put the lid on it. Return home.

*For those who are looking for a more precise and exact method of Flower Essence harvesting, pay attention to the phases of the moon- new moon, full moon, eclipse, etc. Let the flowers set in the water of a glass bowl and charge in the sun (or moonlight) for 2-4 hours, under the plant, on the soil that surrounds the plant. Let the energy of the Earth help you charge the water with the essence of the flower.*
In process Flower Essence charging.
  • Pour the flower essence water into a jar double its size (ex: 4 oz jar into an 8 oz jar, etc.)
  • Add in the vodka to fill the remaining space of the jar (ex: add 4 oz to the 8 oz jar)
    • (You could also use Brandy and vegetable glycerin, but I don't recommend it as Brandy has a very strong, distinct taste- to me at least. Yuck!)
  • This initial mixture is called your Mother Essence. This is your stock jar that you will make your essences from for this particular plant. It will last you many years. (How cool is that?)
Dilutions and Dosages:
  • Mother Essence: 50% Water (+Flower Essence) + 50 % Vodka in jar.
  • Practitioner's Bottle: 7 drops of Mother Essence + 50% Water + 50% Vodka in 1 oz amber bottle
  • Dosage Bottle: 7 drops of Practitioner's Bottle + 25% Alcohol + 75% Water in a 1 oz. amber bottle
    • Take 5 drops from this bottle 5 times daily.
    • This dosage will last about 3 weeks.
    • If not 5 drops 5 times daily, try 25 drops in your morning tea/coffee or your water bottle.
  • Important: 
    • Store in a cool, dark place. 
    • Label your Mother Essence, Practitioner's Bottle, and your Dosage Bottle.
    • It is safe to use only the Mother Essence if you are looking for a little more bang-for-your-buck.
Most people need at least 21 days to make a shift internally, although it can occur sooner. If you begin to feel an aversion to the mixture this is your body telling you that you don't need it anymore. 

  • Will not counter-indicate pharmaceuticals, blood pressure, psych meds, etc.
  • Will bring you back to your natural balance.
  • Won't make you feel something you are not (unlike the Rx Drugs)
  • Babies LOVE Flower Essences and this can be very calming for them
    • First 6 months - 5 drops in your hand and gently rub on the crown of baby's head.
    • After 6 months - can be taken internally
  • Works with pets - calming, healing, energizing - it all depends. Can be taken internally
  • Plants benefit from them too! Put in a spray bottle with water and watch your plants grow faster!
  • And, of course, the Medicinal properties for us humans. They heal the mental and emotional as well as the physical!
Some Desert Marigolds.

Additional Tips:
  • Don't leave in the car or in the sun after creation. It will fry the essence.
  • Psych meds may delay the break through, but it will happen.
  • It's great to combine flowers together while charging, be sure to label them appropriately.
  • Driving down the highway in the middle of nowhere and a flower/plant/bush catches your eye!? 
    • Pull over, hop out, and collect an essence. Don't have time to sit around and connect with the plant beyond a few minutes? 
    • Thank it gently, give your offering, and take your jar (with the flowers still in it) to the car- make a "Dashboard Essence" 
  • Try to capture the plant's essence when it is at the peak of its bloom.
  • If the plant blooms at night, allow the plant to charge in the moonlight instead of the daylight.
  • If the bud can be bent at the stem, gently, and held in place in the water, do that instead of picking the buds- why take from the plant what we don't need to?
Great Resources:
  • Organic Alchemist: Katie Hess of Lotus Wei - explore her website and take the flower quiz found on the homepage. She provides you with a journal that you can download to monitor your emotional health; as well as some of her products. Also partnering with Katie is Lisa Reinhardt of Wei of Chocolate (Delicious organic dark chocolate infused with flower essences!)
  • Rhonda PallasDowney - founder of Living Flower Essence and author of numerous books about Flower Essences and their powers. Rhonda has a lifetime of experience working in harmony with the Earth. She loves to share her stories and help others begin their own journeys. Rhonda uses Brandy to preserve her essences which she takes straight from the Mother Essence. Perhaps most importantly, Rhonda connects our Chakras with plants that best embrace them. 
  • Mimi Kamp - I participated in a nature walk and flower essence workshop with Mimi and was so glad that I did. As much as it was informative, it was also spiritual. We, as a class, bonded with nature and collected flower essences (blog to follow). Among her many talents, she also provides her own essences that she has collected and created. Mimi favors the desert and works closely with cacti and other desert plants. Never underestimate the greatness of a cactus - they, too, have so much to offer us! She can be contacted at:

Blessings in Your Journey,

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