Friday, April 16, 2010

Garden Side Chat

Today has been a little off for me. It feels as if today didn't belong to me, but has been interrupted by distractions keeping me from doing what I wanted to do. That's not to say that the distractions were bad in anyway, they just were there. I woke up late in the morning, apparently needing the sleep, and got the day going with the intent to sit down and blog as well as go to Lowes and get some nails and soil (and maybe some flowers if temptation bettered me), but the maintenance man came by to fix some things around the house that needed to get done. By the time I get going I end up making lunch plans with a friend and spend two hours in the afternoon chatting away over good food and catching up. By the time I got home I was ready to sit down in front of my computer and was able to do so outside on the porch in my garden with Izzie at my side and Ada running about. When my Beau came home it was all downhill from there. We ended up meeting the neighbors and chatting with them- great people, really instructor? Yes please! 8 o'clock rolls around and it's time to cook dinner and talk about the day and get to politicking and talking about the future. And now, here it is- 10:00PM and I'm finally able to catch up on my blog. It was a good day, full of laughter, good conversation, food, and friends- but all I wanted to do was sit and write my stinking blog! So I feel the day was wasted because it didn't go the way I wanted it to from the beginning. I know- it's all rather silly, but it was a day off I really didn't get to myself and I truly do appreciate my alone time. Independent spirits are like that I guess. Oh well, the night is not lost fore I am writing now without distraction and will be able to finish this blog without snapping at anyone. Perhaps I'll need to meditate tonight to wash it all out of my system.

I'm noticing huge progress in my garden. I have 8+ tomatoes growing right now! I am so excited!!! I thought that only my cherry tomatoes were coming in, but no! I just found, this afternoon, one of my husky tomatoes are starting to come through. Any day now and I'll be able to make myself a nice little tomato salad! I had to relocate my Garden Angel because the tomato plants were swallowing her up. I place the bird feeder in her placed and moved her over to a new pot where she could be appreciated. My Ivy is starting to put out some new leaves and twine around the divider without aide. Progress! Progress! Progress! My Purple Beauty has gotten huge! I can't wait until the peppers start popping out!

With all the color in the flowers on one side the Basil is helping add a little splash of purple in all the green of the vegetables. And the beans and jalapeno, Serrano, and Golden California Wonder plants are sky rocketing! I also noticed today that my mint kind of just popped up out of nowhere. The leaves are getting bigger and it's starting to trail around the Purple Beauty.

The Lavender and the Celosia- The English Ivy- Note the brighter green leaves (those are new).

Purple Beauty and the Basil.

Mint and the Husky Tomato (follow the stick down and you'll see the little green ball)
The Cherry Tomatoes that are starting to pop out.
My Garden Corner. My surviving arugula... it's having a hard time- hopefully things will get better.
Tomorrow will be better,

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