Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finding a Cure

During an aromatherapy class I took at my local community college I learned about a man named Dr. John Christopher. His son had written a biography on him, as he had passed away some years ago, leaving a very detailed account of Dr. Christopher's life and priceless contributions to the world. You see, Dr. Christopher was a master herbalist. Rather than paraphrase the entire biography you can find it for free, here, on his website.

Black Walnut
When I first read his biography I was transfixed. Here was a man pushing through the stigmas and opposition that comes with natural healing; a man whose life work was dedicated to sharing his knowledge and empowering the people to heal themselves; a man who defied all odds and lived 40 years longer than conventional doctors gave him. In a nutshell, Dr. Christopher has validated everything I am working towards for my own family and the families of others. His selflessness and eagerness to educate speaks volumes of his character. He didn't want to get rich from his knowledge, although he surely could have, he wanted to help people help themselves and he saved countless lives in the process.

Dr. Christopher's son, David, has continued his herbal legacy, bringing his knowledge into the 21st century. You can now visit his website for formulas and treatment plans for various illnesses and ailments. Here is a good start. Take a gander, you won't be disappointed. I have a close friend who recently moved from NYC to Olympia, Washington and is now having troubles with her complexion. She is breaking out more than she had in NYC and wanted it to stop. I told her about Dr. Christopher and she took a look for Acne treatments- he recommended a red clover tea treatment alternated with a burdock root tea. She gave it a shot and while the jury is still out on the final results (as she is still in the process), she received immediate results of change in her body. She was able to sleep better at night (beauty rest, anyone?) and her blemishes came to fruition faster than normal. We agreed that this was likely caused by her body ridding itself of the toxins which are causing her breakouts. 
I really could go on and on and on about Dr. Christopher, I will leave you to discover his greatness. The last thing I want to mention about him, and something I am greatly interested in, is his school. The School of Natural Healing is located out of Utah, Dr. Christopher's home state. It's not too far away from where I live now which leads me to think that sooner or later I will be making a pilgrimage there. I'd like to earn my Master Herbalist's degree from them once I am finished with my preliminary education.

It amazes me the ailments and illnesses Dr. Christopher was able to cure, which I suppose is why I am so excited to go into the field I am going into. Holistic and natural health care is about healing and curing the disease instead of focusing on the symptoms. Yes, that medication can make your symptoms go away, but not before it leaves some fun side effects behind. What about what is causing the symptoms? Isn't that a concern? It should be. And that's why I'm here. I want to find the cause and cure it, just like Dr. Christopher. And like him, I want to teach people how to cure themselves, empowering them with the knowledge of how to best take care of their family's health.
Working Towards a Healthier You (and me),
~ Birdie

*All photos courtesy of here


  1. Very Interesting. We have an abundance of black walnut trees on our farm We replant all the nuts every fall.
    I like alternative medicine also but I have Fibromyalgia and do not take anything at this time. I use a lot of heat packs and just deal.
    Thanks for the book references. I will check them out.

  2. Hello I did not mean book references I meant the link.
