Friday, April 16, 2010

You say you got bugs?

I was reading in a book I recently picked up titled "Herbs in Pots" and found a solution to a problem I had been dealing with in my garden. I had bugs. Bugs were all over my beautiful snapdragons- covering their leaves with slime and covering the petals in...well...themselves. Bugs everywhere on my spapdragons. Fortunately they were not interested in my veggies, but still- my poor defenseless snapdragons! I thought about getting lady bugs because I had read that they were an excellent bug fighter and they were pretty too- but when I looked up to buy some I realized that maybe 1,500 lady bugs in my tiny garden was a little much. I mean, I had a bug problem, but not an epidemic! So "Herbs in Pots" gave me a new idea. They said to get a small spray bottle, put a dab of natural handwashing soap in the spray bottle and fill with water. Spray the soapy water on the flowers and it will get rid of the bugs without having to buy nasty pesticides or flood your garden with lady bugs! I was excited to try it and you know what!? It worked! The bugs stopped multiplying and it even killed the nasty little buggers that were making my garden so gross. I have the spray bottle by the watering can and I spray all my flowers now every other day. I suggested it to Whitney, whose snapgradons were suffering from the same affliction, and we are waiting on results. I will keep you posted on any new developments or quick fixes that I come across.

Good Luck Bug Hunters,



  1. I love your blogging. Keep it up.

    Also, I think you should do a post with tips for the gardener who lacks gardening space, as you seem to be a pro.


  2. I love that idea! I'll get right on it! :) keep the suggestions coming! :)
