Friday, July 1, 2011

Green Machine

What is this whole "Going Green" madness about, really? Is it a new found industry much like our technology booms? Or is it a new awareness amongst the human civilization (of the USA) that if we continue on the path we are on, there might not be much left for us to enjoy in this world? There are debates upon debates upon debates about terminology like carbon footprints, etc... thanks Al, whether or not we should be taxing for said carbon footprints, if hybrid cars are worth their weight in the long run versus the SUV.... on and on and on.

There is news media from both the conservative and the liberal sides spouting off extremes and end of days messages. Are our lightbulbs really that bad? I mean, really?! It is a topic that infiltrates our daily lives without fail. Slogans like "Green!" "Think Global, buy Local!" "Global Warming..." I mean "Global Cooling" "Climate Change!!!" Oh brother!

But who are we to believe? What really is the truth? And how do we sift through all the other junk that is out there when we already have full lives as it is? Who has the time to decipher it all? AND THEN, when you finally do break through the lies and get to the root of the problem, where do you start to make changes in your life? Where do you begin? There is so much to do, so much money to spend, so much to replace! 

It is downright overwhelming.

I have my own political views on this matter that I won't bog you down with, however, I overheard a conversation some months ago where a gentleman brought up a truly brilliant point that I had never heard before. He said, in regards to "going green to save the world": 

"The Earth will always be here, whether it is lush and green and full of life or covered in ice or burnt to a crisp. The Earth will always survive. It is the human race that needs to worry. We shouldn't be changing our lifestyles under the impression that we are going to Save the World. We should be doing it so that we can save ourselves and the future generations to come." 

With that said, I feel like this blog has evolved from a basic "Look at my Garden" journal to an all encompassing lifestyle awareness resource. My household, in preparation for our move to Oregon this summer, is beginning to rummage through our belongings and see what we need, what we want, and what is healthy for us. It is a long process, downsizing, but it will be worth it in the end. 

Through my education at SWIHA I have been blessed to be exposed to knowledge, philosophies, and plans of action that result in a healthier lifestyle for my family. We have changed our ideologies regarding this Green Movement from thinking that we could Save the World and, instead, have started to focus on how to better our own lives through living the healthiest way we can. This includes ridding our house of chemicals, plastics, and electronic distractions. It also includes making healthier food choices like where we eat, where we shop, and attempting to plant our own gardens. 

When we move and begin our homestead we will have water from a Well, solar power, a garden and orchard to feed our family with organic deliciousness, and herbs galore. We will have chickens and goats. This lifestyle will save us money on utilities and groceries. We will feel accomplished and proud of our ability to live off of the land and to be free of outside resources. We will be able to share our experience with others in many, many different ways. And physically, we will be stronger than ever by working our land. This is our way of "Going Green" and we are doing it for US. Respect for the Earth and all of its creatures falls under a different category and is something we will never forget. For us, it is a philosophy, a way of life, a deep rooted belief and growing practice.

In the blog post to follow I will share some easy ways to get started on helping your family become healthier on a budget. Quick and simple - no solar panels necessary.

What Does "Going Green" Mean to You?
~ Birdie

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