Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Something I'm Looking Forward To:

What's on Your Mind?


  1. Beautiful! Those deep red roses would make excellent jam. ; - )

  2. Gorgeous roses!
    Lol, jam? Now I'll have to research that and try it with mine!

  3. I wish I could take credit for the roses, but they were there before we were. Right now we are keeping our fingers crossed that someday (SOON) we can call these roses our's... and the yard and house attached to them.

    Yes, jam? My curiosity is piqued. Thanks for stopping by Rhonda and Robyn.

  4. What stunning roses. No wonder they are on your mind. Popped over from Rhonda's blog.

  5. Calidore- Thank you for popping by! Please feel free to take a gander at what I've been writing about- I'm no Rhonda, but I'm certainly working towards that common goal we share!

  6. Beautiful roses Birdie. I love the buds too :)
    Came by via Rhonda's site.
    Cheers, Susan
